Wednesday, 25 April 2012

14 and counting

So I haven't written on here in a week... however I have been blogging constently in my head... many posts about my hilarious ( and slightly dangerous) raging hormones, the gremlin that has taken up residence somewheres between my stomach and esophagus,  my distracting fasination with this flash flood of excessive saliva, and of course my slowly rounding belly.
As you see- its been a very exciting week.  I'm sure I will soon be blabbing about each of the things I have mentioned above as they are bound to get more intense and the days pass.
Another noteworthy milestone....I have entered my second trimester.  Baby can make all sorts of  faces ( which I'm sure it does as I whip up interesting culinary concoctions such as boiled eggs, topped with peanut butter and fresh dill); is starting to pee and has his/her first coat of baby fuzz! How cute.
So far this second trimester is a breeze ( one week in, I should probably be careful not to jinx myself). The morning/ all day sickness has finally taken a hike, and besides being a little tired... I have no complaints.
Well- I have some complaints ( see first paragraph), but since they serve as a daily dose of entertainment for most people around me, I'm willing to overlook them for now ;)

I've also been occupying myself with the serious side of pregnancy. Do I dare say- the business side? Telling my employers, figuring out new schedules, switching positions and figuring out all the nitty gritty about maternity leave ( that still sounds weird when I say it!).  Its been much less stressful then I anticipated, and my bosses have been fantastic.  I have to keep reminding myself that a year off from work doesn't mean I get to grab my passport and take off to thailand.... instead I get to take off to the nursery and change poopy diapers and teach my little human all about love and life.... Its funny how life changes.

Our parents and family seem to be getting more and more excited; always checking up with texts and phonecalls to see how things are going. I love listening to my parents trying to decide what they want to be called by their first grandchild. Its a surprisingly cute and amusing thing to witness ( apparently there are many more options than simply the Nana and Grampa I grew up with).  I have a slight feeling that I'm the only one who is still enjoying keeping this a semi-secret. Both of our sets of parents are just about busting at the seams.

Hmm, and I think I might post my first belly photo soon...stay tuned ;)

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