Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Baby Names

Long before I ever even thought about actually getting pregnant or being a mom, I thought about baby names. I was one of those girls that swore I would never get married or have children, but always seemed to have a running baby name list hidden somewheres. Late night sleepovers with close friends were always a perfect time to talk nonsense about the names of our unborn children.
Who knew that ACTUALLY naming your offspring would be such a big deal!  Suddenly when I dig up all those old lists they seem sub-par.... and a little "out there" .... Haiku, Merlin, and Garcia....??? seriously where was I and what was I psychedelic cloud was over my head. ( like I said--- from high school..)... Don`t worry- names like this have promptly been eliminated ( and chuckled at).
I`ve started to notice many dynamics to this whole baby-naming process....
First and foremost two people have to agree on the same name...which can be difficult, entertaining and frustrating all at the same time.
There are so many things to consider.... what the initials will spell, what it can be shortened to, the inevetivatble nickname, how it sounds being shouted from the front door step, what first impression it might give on a blind date, how it sounds as a baby, a kid, a teen, an adult... is it too plain, too popular, too trendy or too wierd?  Should you choose a family name or one you found on your own?
And then you make a long list.... get rid of any and all of the names that give you or your partner any negative feelings from people in your past or present, ( like that girl in kindergarden named Amber that used to choke you, geeky exes, mean bosses, permiscious girls, annoying children, ect ect ect).... Then that long list becomes a short list... and then you seem to test out the names in daily life until you have thought about it so much that when you say any of those names out loud ... they don't even sound like a normal name or word anymore. ....... hahah  ( no.... I haven't thought about this much) ...
And then there is the gentle fear of disclosing potential names. There are the poor reactions, the chance of getting that name "outed" and nabbed  by someone who will probably give birth the day before you do... and  then you would have to start the process all over again....
Surprisingly enough-- I've also found that living here on this island of less than 3000 people-- it makes it even a little more tricky--- because "everyone knows someone" with  "that name"... so it seems like there's a bit more pressure to pick an original. I would never think about "what the other children in my future baby's grad class" will be named.... but in a small community-- all of those thoughts pop into your head.
Its a big responsibility to give someone the name that they will have forever.... and you want to do a good job, and give them a good first impression on the world.
Its also incredibly fun and makes for a lot of late night laughs-- especially when a random name spurts out of one of our mouths for the others firing line....

We have our short list.... but I have a feeling it may change multiple times over the next 3-4 mths.  As a chronically indecisive person, I am trying my hardest not to give all of the names I like in one unnaturally lenghtly name...
Wish us luck!

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